Tuesday, 21 October 2008

The apple storm

What a storm we've had these past couple of days! The last apples are off the tree and demanding to be used - even the autumn raspberries were being blown off the bushes; I've never seen that before! And the flimsy bit of plastic netting that acts as my front gate was blowing practically horizontally. So tomorrow was due to be Gate Day, when a couple of friends and I would build a new one. I spent much of yesterday buying all the hardware and extra wood (already got most of it) and we planned the whole thing like a medical operation, down to the last bolt.

And now one friend's had a to call off as she's going to have to work tomorrow. Maybe it's a good thing - it's freezing cold and still very blowy, and working outside wouldn't have been much fun.

What's that got to do with writing? Not much, except that now I shall have time to do some...! There are so many things to do at the moment - those apples, for example - that it's getting hard to find time just to sit down and write. Still, I got my client's website draft finished yesterday evening and emailed to him, which felt good. Let's hope it still feels good when I get his response!
It's not procrastination, nor lack of organisation: everything is important, just in different (mostly non-paying) areas of my life. I suppose it's just as well there aren't too many paying things that need doing, otherwise I'd never get the non-paying ones done at all. Maybe I just wasn't cut out to run a business?!? Or maybe having lots of paying stuff to do will "concentrate the mind wonderfully", as the man said about imminent death. We shall see...

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