I didn't manage to get in the water this weekend. I should have been going up to Rosehearty on the Moray Firth on Saturday, but getting up at silly o'clock wasn't appealing after a Friday that started with a 6.30 am meeting and ended with a rehearsal that finished at 9.30 pm. And on Sunday I had a tree to cut down.
As I walked along the beach at Carnoustie on Sunday, the water was crystal clear. You could see every frond of seaweed, every tiny shard of shell in the coarse sand. I don't know whether the vis at Catterline would have been as good - it's much more silty, and gets stirred up easily by the resident seals - but I did wish I were underwater.
In the end I nearly was: the dogs swam and then shook themselve all over me so I got nearly as wet as I used to before my drysuit was fixed. And I had a lovely time beachcombing, which is the next best thing to diving.
It'll be a fortnight before I'm back in the water - I'll be in Gloucestershire next weekend, clearing up my late mother's flat. I do hope the weather holds. It's about time we had a decent summer, with good vis, no storms, no days blown out due to easterlies, no constant heavy rain... If I'd started diving last year I might not have seen it through, conditions were so bad so often; it would be great to show last years' trainees what diving's really all about.
Now that the clocks have gone forward we should be beginning our Wednesday evening dives soon. I can't wait to get wet again!
A sideways look at life by a scuba-diving freelance copywriter who lives near the coast in Angus, north-east Scotland. You can find me on http://greatcopy.info.
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Business Contact Manager
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Dive 2010
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Dive Leader
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dive sites
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Events for Business
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gender politics
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James Chartrand
Kate Adie
MacDuff Marine Aquarium
Mark Winton Slane Fleming
Montrose BSAC
Moray Firth
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North Sea
pool training
poor vis
Quality above price
Scuba diving
Scuba Magazine
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St Abb's
underwater cameras
underwater wildlife
use of English
website re-delegation
Zeke Camusio
Monday, 26 March 2012
dive club,
dive sites,
Moray Firth,
poor vis,
Monday, 19 March 2012
MacDuff Marine Aquarium
I had a lovely day on Saturday: I went diving at the MacDuff Marine Aquarium. It's not a very big dive - the tank is roughly 20 ft wide and 16 ft deep - but it's fuller of sea-life than anywhere else I've dived in the UK.
All the inhabitants are native species. There are large cod and their ling cousins; black rays; plaice; dogfish and bull huss (both are types of shark); several huge wolf-fish, ash grey with stripes and fangs; an enormous plaice about the size of my dining-table who snapped at other fish that came near while she was being fed; two varieties of wrasse, beautifully coloured and marked; and two conger eels that I hand-fed (no, I still have both hands; I was holding fillets of mackerel for them to grab).
It's the closest I'm ever likely to get to that size, type and quantity of fauna in UK waters. We've fished our seas practically to death and what's left is understandably shy, especially if you're blowing bubbles at the time. Many fish view bubbles as a sign of aggression, but sometimes they enjoy them: a couple of plaice were swimming through the columns of bubbles from the aeration machinery, enjoying the tickling sensation.
The aquarium has several smaller tanks, with beasties whose native habitat varies from rock-pools to deep water. One tank held baby jellyfish; another had lump-suckers, weird box-shaped fish that grip onto rocks with suckers on their bellies.
The facility exists for education, and they do three "feeding shows" a week throughout the year (more in high summer) where you can watch divers interact with the fish. The kiddies were loving it, waving like mad at us through the glass, their little mouths going "ooh" and "aah" and grinning as we waved back. Before the dive I found watching the fish through the glass fascinating, as you see bits of them you'd never get a look at otherwise - the underneath of flatfish, for example, which just lie in the sand and pretend they're not there when divers are around. I'd never seen one actually swim before; they're very graceful, undulating like rays.
Sadly, as the Aquarium is owned by the Council, there have inevitably been funding cuts. They've had to reduce staff and some exhibits are getting rather tired and crumbly. However they're looking to recruit staff for the summer holidays, so if you're a diver looking for a summer job there's an opening for you up on the Moray Firth. No previous experience required, no expertise except that you have to be a BSAC Sports Diver or equivalent to dive in the tank. What they need is folk with people skills, who can talk to the kids and their parents, help with the feeding and selling in the shop, and generally make themselves useful. Please pass the information on if you know anyone appropriate!
Even if you don't, if you're anywhere near Banff/Peterhead/Nairn go and visit the Marine Aquarium - it's a great day out if you have any interest in sea creatures. I learnt a lot: fish ID had never been my strong point, but I'm never going to mistake any of the fish I saw on Saturday.
All the inhabitants are native species. There are large cod and their ling cousins; black rays; plaice; dogfish and bull huss (both are types of shark); several huge wolf-fish, ash grey with stripes and fangs; an enormous plaice about the size of my dining-table who snapped at other fish that came near while she was being fed; two varieties of wrasse, beautifully coloured and marked; and two conger eels that I hand-fed (no, I still have both hands; I was holding fillets of mackerel for them to grab).
It's the closest I'm ever likely to get to that size, type and quantity of fauna in UK waters. We've fished our seas practically to death and what's left is understandably shy, especially if you're blowing bubbles at the time. Many fish view bubbles as a sign of aggression, but sometimes they enjoy them: a couple of plaice were swimming through the columns of bubbles from the aeration machinery, enjoying the tickling sensation.
The aquarium has several smaller tanks, with beasties whose native habitat varies from rock-pools to deep water. One tank held baby jellyfish; another had lump-suckers, weird box-shaped fish that grip onto rocks with suckers on their bellies.
The facility exists for education, and they do three "feeding shows" a week throughout the year (more in high summer) where you can watch divers interact with the fish. The kiddies were loving it, waving like mad at us through the glass, their little mouths going "ooh" and "aah" and grinning as we waved back. Before the dive I found watching the fish through the glass fascinating, as you see bits of them you'd never get a look at otherwise - the underneath of flatfish, for example, which just lie in the sand and pretend they're not there when divers are around. I'd never seen one actually swim before; they're very graceful, undulating like rays.
Sadly, as the Aquarium is owned by the Council, there have inevitably been funding cuts. They've had to reduce staff and some exhibits are getting rather tired and crumbly. However they're looking to recruit staff for the summer holidays, so if you're a diver looking for a summer job there's an opening for you up on the Moray Firth. No previous experience required, no expertise except that you have to be a BSAC Sports Diver or equivalent to dive in the tank. What they need is folk with people skills, who can talk to the kids and their parents, help with the feeding and selling in the shop, and generally make themselves useful. Please pass the information on if you know anyone appropriate!
Even if you don't, if you're anywhere near Banff/Peterhead/Nairn go and visit the Marine Aquarium - it's a great day out if you have any interest in sea creatures. I learnt a lot: fish ID had never been my strong point, but I'm never going to mistake any of the fish I saw on Saturday.
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Through a lens, blotchily.
I've been commissioned to write a piece for Scuba Magazine about Montrose SAC's club trip to Northern Ireland later this year. To get the best quality underwater photos I'll need an wide-angled lens (there's a lot of stuff in the water that causes blotches in the photos, called "back-scatter"; with a wide-angled lens you can get in closer to the subject and therefore reduce the amount of water between you and it, thus reducing back-scatter.)
So I've been trying to locate a wide-angle lens I can use with my Intova underwater camera set-up. (If you're not yet into underwater photography, it's important to know that cameras typically have to go inside a watertight housing, onto which you screw accessories like lenses and lights; the cameras - apart from a few very expensive ones, perhaps - aren't themselves watertight. Each type of camera has its own housing, so you have to get the right one for your camera.)
I know Intova make a lens that you can fit and remove during a dive. I know who imports it into this country - but they don't sell direct to the public, so I've been trawling the internet to find a retailer.
According to the importer's website the nearest agency is Aberdeen Watersports, so I checked their website: no mention of any lenses. Same for the agencies in Burntisland, Edinburgh and Glasgow - in fact most of them didn't even mention Intova.
So I searched e-Bay, where I eventually found a lens after trying 2-3 different keyword phrases ("scuba diving cameras", "underwater cameras", that sort of thing). But all it said by way of identification was "46mm thread". As I have no idea what size thread my housing has that wasn't very helpful. Intova make several housings. Which one does this lens fit? At around £130 a pop I'm not going to buy one on spec.
Why are retailers so coy about their products? If you're writing for/to consumers you can't expect them all to be experts on everything they want to buy. I know I need the lens that fits my specific housing and I know which housing I've got. I haven't a clue what the thread size is, and I doubt there's any mention of it in the handbook as that only covers the camera iself. Why can't they say "fits xyz housing(s)" or something really simple like that?
It's all very well saying "come and visit our shop" but their shop's in Liverpool and I'm between Dundee and Aberdeen. That's not exactly a 10-minute jaunt; the diesel would double the price of the lens. And while I'm sure it's a lovely shop, full of all sorts of delightful bits and bobs that I never knew I didn't need, I'm not going to waste the better part of two days getting there and back.
Thank heavens for email. With a bit of luck I'll get replies from 5 separate retailers saying "we've got just the thing for you, and it'll only cost £100 all in". A girl can dream...
So I've been trying to locate a wide-angle lens I can use with my Intova underwater camera set-up. (If you're not yet into underwater photography, it's important to know that cameras typically have to go inside a watertight housing, onto which you screw accessories like lenses and lights; the cameras - apart from a few very expensive ones, perhaps - aren't themselves watertight. Each type of camera has its own housing, so you have to get the right one for your camera.)
I know Intova make a lens that you can fit and remove during a dive. I know who imports it into this country - but they don't sell direct to the public, so I've been trawling the internet to find a retailer.
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Intova IC12 camera (photos courtesy of Intova's website) |
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The same, in its underwater housing. |
According to the importer's website the nearest agency is Aberdeen Watersports, so I checked their website: no mention of any lenses. Same for the agencies in Burntisland, Edinburgh and Glasgow - in fact most of them didn't even mention Intova.
So I searched e-Bay, where I eventually found a lens after trying 2-3 different keyword phrases ("scuba diving cameras", "underwater cameras", that sort of thing). But all it said by way of identification was "46mm thread". As I have no idea what size thread my housing has that wasn't very helpful. Intova make several housings. Which one does this lens fit? At around £130 a pop I'm not going to buy one on spec.
Why are retailers so coy about their products? If you're writing for/to consumers you can't expect them all to be experts on everything they want to buy. I know I need the lens that fits my specific housing and I know which housing I've got. I haven't a clue what the thread size is, and I doubt there's any mention of it in the handbook as that only covers the camera iself. Why can't they say "fits xyz housing(s)" or something really simple like that?
It's all very well saying "come and visit our shop" but their shop's in Liverpool and I'm between Dundee and Aberdeen. That's not exactly a 10-minute jaunt; the diesel would double the price of the lens. And while I'm sure it's a lovely shop, full of all sorts of delightful bits and bobs that I never knew I didn't need, I'm not going to waste the better part of two days getting there and back.
Thank heavens for email. With a bit of luck I'll get replies from 5 separate retailers saying "we've got just the thing for you, and it'll only cost £100 all in". A girl can dream...
dive club,
Montrose BSAC,
Scuba diving,
Scuba Magazine,
underwater cameras,
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Water babies
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I wish our pool were as handsome as this... |
A few were very scared of the idea of diving - one is apparently terrified of drowning - but they'd all gone right under the water by the end of their trial, even if not in the deep end of the pool. The one who's terrified of drowning even went to the bottom of the deep end (3.6 metres) and came up beaming, saying it had been "great". What an achievement!
22 kids divided by 4 instructors times ~10 minutes each takes a while. Inevitably some of them had to wait quite a long time for their turn, which doesn't help if you're nervous, but there was none of the joshing that could have made the wait harder. In fact, they were really well-behaved - quiet and helpful to us and each other.
It's good to be part of an event like that, helping people overcome fears that could have made the trip a nightmare for them instead of a lifetime opportunity. I hope the memory of last night will serve when they come to do it for real in the open sea. At least in Borneo they'll have warm water: the pool yesterday made several of them shiver as they slid or jumped into it.
And it'll be worth the nerves and the effort. The wildlife at the bottom of the sea in Borneo is much prettier than that at the bottom of Montrose swimming pool.
dive club,
Montrose BSAC,
Scuba diving,
underwater wildlife
16 The Mall, Montrose, Angus DD10, UK
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
At this time of year dive clubs up and down the country are trying to find interesting people to talk to members on club nights. Yesterday our club had a talk from the Sector Manager of Montrose Coastguard station, which was fascinating.
I knew very little about what the coastguard service does, except that they're on the end of a radio if anything goes wrong. But they do more than just Search and Rescue at sea; they also check boats and can impound them if they're considered unsafe, do flood rescues inland, deal with cargo lost overboard and check on marine pollution.
The UK coastguard covers all sea areas half-way to the next seaboard, so in the north Atlantic their patch goes half-way to Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, and so on. That's a huge area to monitor, still less to get shore-based vessels to, so they use other boats in the vicinity (referred to as "rescue assets"). Any vessel, even a rowing boat if it has a radio, has to respond to a Mayday call. It may not be able to help - a high-sided container ship wouldn't be particularly useful in a man-overboard emergency, for example - but it can monitor and be an "eye on the ocean" for the coastguard on the radio back home.
One big question concerned the closure of most of the present 18 stations around Britain. The press has made this out to be A Very Bad Idea, but our speaker was all in favour. At the moment most stations have around 3 staff on duty who spend most of the shift waiting for a call; when one does come in they have to deal with it by themselves, and 3 people are not many in that situation. Under the new system there will be fewer thumb-twiddlers and more co-operation, as all the stations will be connected, so it should be much more efficient all round.
Montrose station have a particular affinity for mud. Montrose Basin is a tidal lagoon which becomes a mud-flat with a river running through it at low tide. If anyone gets caught in the mud it sucks them down, up to their armpits, and the coastguards then used to have to haul them out bodily against the suction. Now they use a fire extinguisher to force air down through the mud, which loosens it around the body, making rescues much easier. They haul people across the mud in basket stretchers, using them like sleds to spread body-weight.
They've recently been teaching the same technique to firefighters in Dundee, who have Dundee airport on their patch. If you're not familiar with Dundee airport, it's tiny - so are the aircraft that land there, by commercial standards - and sits right at the edge of the Firth of Tay [Firth = estuary]. At low water there's miles of mud. If a plane misses the runway, there will be 25-30 people stranded and, potentailly, sinking into the mud. Coastguards usually only have to deal with individual strandings; the firefighters needed to know how to cope with lots at once. That training must have been an interesting exercise to watch.
We divers were given lots of good advice on what to do while awaiting rescue. One that particularly sticks in my mind: if you've got separated from your boat and you see a rescue helicopter coming over, take off your hood because a) it's probably black and therefore invisible in the water and b) they use heat-seeking infra-red devices and your hood is designed to keep the heat in. At night the decision's a bit more difficult, because most hoods these days have reflective strips on them which the 'copter's light might pick up - so do you leave it on for the light or take it off for the heat-seeking doodahs? Hmm...
Anyway - "dive safe" and with a bit of luck you'll never need to take that decision!
If you need a copywriter with scuba experience, go to http://greatcopy.info.
I knew very little about what the coastguard service does, except that they're on the end of a radio if anything goes wrong. But they do more than just Search and Rescue at sea; they also check boats and can impound them if they're considered unsafe, do flood rescues inland, deal with cargo lost overboard and check on marine pollution.
The UK coastguard covers all sea areas half-way to the next seaboard, so in the north Atlantic their patch goes half-way to Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, and so on. That's a huge area to monitor, still less to get shore-based vessels to, so they use other boats in the vicinity (referred to as "rescue assets"). Any vessel, even a rowing boat if it has a radio, has to respond to a Mayday call. It may not be able to help - a high-sided container ship wouldn't be particularly useful in a man-overboard emergency, for example - but it can monitor and be an "eye on the ocean" for the coastguard on the radio back home.
One big question concerned the closure of most of the present 18 stations around Britain. The press has made this out to be A Very Bad Idea, but our speaker was all in favour. At the moment most stations have around 3 staff on duty who spend most of the shift waiting for a call; when one does come in they have to deal with it by themselves, and 3 people are not many in that situation. Under the new system there will be fewer thumb-twiddlers and more co-operation, as all the stations will be connected, so it should be much more efficient all round.
Montrose station have a particular affinity for mud. Montrose Basin is a tidal lagoon which becomes a mud-flat with a river running through it at low tide. If anyone gets caught in the mud it sucks them down, up to their armpits, and the coastguards then used to have to haul them out bodily against the suction. Now they use a fire extinguisher to force air down through the mud, which loosens it around the body, making rescues much easier. They haul people across the mud in basket stretchers, using them like sleds to spread body-weight.
They've recently been teaching the same technique to firefighters in Dundee, who have Dundee airport on their patch. If you're not familiar with Dundee airport, it's tiny - so are the aircraft that land there, by commercial standards - and sits right at the edge of the Firth of Tay [Firth = estuary]. At low water there's miles of mud. If a plane misses the runway, there will be 25-30 people stranded and, potentailly, sinking into the mud. Coastguards usually only have to deal with individual strandings; the firefighters needed to know how to cope with lots at once. That training must have been an interesting exercise to watch.
We divers were given lots of good advice on what to do while awaiting rescue. One that particularly sticks in my mind: if you've got separated from your boat and you see a rescue helicopter coming over, take off your hood because a) it's probably black and therefore invisible in the water and b) they use heat-seeking infra-red devices and your hood is designed to keep the heat in. At night the decision's a bit more difficult, because most hoods these days have reflective strips on them which the 'copter's light might pick up - so do you leave it on for the light or take it off for the heat-seeking doodahs? Hmm...
Anyway - "dive safe" and with a bit of luck you'll never need to take that decision!
If you need a copywriter with scuba experience, go to http://greatcopy.info.
dive club,
Montrose BSAC,
North Sea,
Scuba diving
Montrose, Angus, UK
Monday, 20 February 2012
Hazards of winter diving
This is a very frustrating time of year for divers living in northerly latitudes, who prefer diving in the sea rather than in quarries and other inland waterways. You arrange a day's diving: check the tides, find an interesting-looking site, get your buddies signed up, book the boat, or make sure your own boat is seaworthy and the trailer is safe; maybe you even book accommodation.
Then the weather turns nasty and the day's blown out. It's happened to me twice already this year (though I must admit other people did all that prep work both times).
I have a pool-tested drysuit, but I want to check it really is dry now and I can't do that in 3.6 metres of water. I have all my kit clean, dry and lightly oiled (well, I've rubbed beeswax along my drysuit zip and siliconed the O-rings of my torch and camera housing, anyway). I've packed the whole caboodle into the car twice and had to take it out again.
All I want to do is get wet - and not in chlorinated water. A pool is no substitute for the real thing (the wildlife's not up to much, for a start, and what you do find in there doesn't bear thinking about).
Our main problem has been the wind, as it was for so much of last year. Last weekend the forecast was for Force 4-6, with gusts of up to 45mph. That's no fun, nor is it safe for wee rubber boats or divers.
In the event I was quite glad we didn't try diving last Saturday. As I walked my dogs in the woods (to avoid the worst of the wind-chill) the sleet came on. The very thought of being out in a small boat in the middle of the North Sea in sleet is seriously unappetising. There's no protection from the elements in a RIB and a drysuit can only provide so much weather-proofing: rain's bad enough, but sleet is beyond horrid.
So I'll possess myself in what little patience I can muster and pray for a sunny, calm, dry spring and summer with brilliant viz, in total contrast to last year up here. One out of four would be good, but I'm going for the set. We're due a break....
To read more about GreatCopy go to http://greatcopy.info/.
Then the weather turns nasty and the day's blown out. It's happened to me twice already this year (though I must admit other people did all that prep work both times).
I have a pool-tested drysuit, but I want to check it really is dry now and I can't do that in 3.6 metres of water. I have all my kit clean, dry and lightly oiled (well, I've rubbed beeswax along my drysuit zip and siliconed the O-rings of my torch and camera housing, anyway). I've packed the whole caboodle into the car twice and had to take it out again.
All I want to do is get wet - and not in chlorinated water. A pool is no substitute for the real thing (the wildlife's not up to much, for a start, and what you do find in there doesn't bear thinking about).
Our main problem has been the wind, as it was for so much of last year. Last weekend the forecast was for Force 4-6, with gusts of up to 45mph. That's no fun, nor is it safe for wee rubber boats or divers.
In the event I was quite glad we didn't try diving last Saturday. As I walked my dogs in the woods (to avoid the worst of the wind-chill) the sleet came on. The very thought of being out in a small boat in the middle of the North Sea in sleet is seriously unappetising. There's no protection from the elements in a RIB and a drysuit can only provide so much weather-proofing: rain's bad enough, but sleet is beyond horrid.
So I'll possess myself in what little patience I can muster and pray for a sunny, calm, dry spring and summer with brilliant viz, in total contrast to last year up here. One out of four would be good, but I'm going for the set. We're due a break....
To read more about GreatCopy go to http://greatcopy.info/.
dive sites,
North Sea,
Scuba diving,
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Good news!
Yesterday was a day of excellent news, one to stay in the memory for some time (given my age, I can't really hope for more than that!).
As my regular reader(s) will know, I started scuba training in November 2009. I qualified as an Ocean Diver the following summer and started Sports Diver training in November 2010, completing it last summer - by the skin of my teeth: I got the last exercise signed off on the last dive of the year. Last November I started the Dive Leader theory training.
And yesterday I took the exam. And passed. Yeehaah!
Slightly unexpected, that. I looked at the paper and saw two questions on the Dive Tables that we had covered in the revision lesson - and I couldn't remember how to work them out. My brain does that in exams. I moved on to other questions, came back to the Dive Table ones at the end, and managed to get some sort of answer for those two, and a third one which we hadn't covered. I have to admit they were all wrong, but I still passed [big smiley face!].
I never dive using the tables. Who does, now that we all rely on computers? But if I want to do the Instructor course (and I do, all in good time) I'm obviously going to have to re-learn how to use them.
I got home, after the statutory celebration (sorry: de-brief) in the pub, to find the latest issue of Scuba magazine waiting for me - and my second piece of good news.
I'd got in touch with the publisher of Scuba, BSAC's new house mag, shortly after it was launched (this is the third issue) because they were looking for a female diver to write a regular column. I didn't get that job, but he suggested I write a couple of pieces on spec for two regular columns; so I did. And one of them was published as a two-page spread this month [another big smiley face!!].
I know: you were expecting my usual rant. But even I can't be a grumpy old woman with that sort of thing going on [really smiley face!!!].
Life's good. And I'm due to go diving on Saturday (fingers crossed for the weather). Aahhh.
If you want to find out more about my writing, go to http://greatcopy.info/sampler.
As my regular reader(s) will know, I started scuba training in November 2009. I qualified as an Ocean Diver the following summer and started Sports Diver training in November 2010, completing it last summer - by the skin of my teeth: I got the last exercise signed off on the last dive of the year. Last November I started the Dive Leader theory training.

Slightly unexpected, that. I looked at the paper and saw two questions on the Dive Tables that we had covered in the revision lesson - and I couldn't remember how to work them out. My brain does that in exams. I moved on to other questions, came back to the Dive Table ones at the end, and managed to get some sort of answer for those two, and a third one which we hadn't covered. I have to admit they were all wrong, but I still passed [big smiley face!].
I never dive using the tables. Who does, now that we all rely on computers? But if I want to do the Instructor course (and I do, all in good time) I'm obviously going to have to re-learn how to use them.
I got home, after the statutory celebration (sorry: de-brief) in the pub, to find the latest issue of Scuba magazine waiting for me - and my second piece of good news.
I'd got in touch with the publisher of Scuba, BSAC's new house mag, shortly after it was launched (this is the third issue) because they were looking for a female diver to write a regular column. I didn't get that job, but he suggested I write a couple of pieces on spec for two regular columns; so I did. And one of them was published as a two-page spread this month [another big smiley face!!].
I know: you were expecting my usual rant. But even I can't be a grumpy old woman with that sort of thing going on [really smiley face!!!].
Life's good. And I'm due to go diving on Saturday (fingers crossed for the weather). Aahhh.
If you want to find out more about my writing, go to http://greatcopy.info/sampler.
Dive Leader,
good news,
Scuba diving,
Scuba Magazine,
Montrose, Angus, UK
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